Statement about the PSA’s Accreditation of the UK Society of Behavioural Analysis
Neurodivergent Labour is disappointed to learn about the decision of the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) to give accreditation to the U.K. Society of Behavioural Analysis.
We feel that the PSA has not done enough to consult those who feel that ABA is harmful to Autistic and Neurodivergent people. One meeting with a small group of Autistic adults is not sufficient, as autistic/neurodivergent and learning disabled people are meant to be those who benefit from this therapy. There are a growing number of studies that show the harm that ABA causes, and a growing number of anecdotal experiences that show that the unthinking compliance that Behaviourist therapies such as ABA promote can also have long term effects of people’s psychological well-being.
We contrast the PSA’s decision to accredit the UK SBA to government efforts to ban gay conversion therapy. Why outlaw one form of conversion therapy and endorse another?
While we welcome the statement that the PSA will withdraw accreditation if services by the UK-SBA causes harm, we feel that a case can be made that ABA and other therapies are fundamentally harmful, even if practiced in line with their own standards.
Neurodivergent Labour calls for the government to launch a proper investigation in to the possible harms of ABA, PBS and other behaviourist therapies, and not rush in to approving these therapies without meaningfully consulting the individuals it claims to help. You can read our position on ABA in more detail here:
If you or a close relative have experience of the harm that ABA has caused, or are concerned about ABA, then please contact the PSA by clicking on this link.
You can e-mail us at with your experiences and concerns so that we can pass these concerns to our patrons in parliament.
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