The following have been elected to the Neurodivergent Labour Executive for 2020/21:
Chair: Janine Booth *
Vice Chair: Kathryn Downs
Secretary: James Denny **
Vice Secretary: Monique Craine
Treasurer: Margaret Corvid **
Vice Treasurer: Nikki Hughes **
Training and Education Officer: Will Murray **
Trade Union Officer: Gilaine Young *
Manifesto and Policy Officer: Hann Sutcliffe
Publicity and Communications Officer: Emma Dalmayne *
Website Administrator: Graham Hanks *
The following were elected to non-Executive posts
Website Tech Support: Billie Jo Gibson *
Safeguarding Officer: Abi Moorcock *
All will take office immediately after the Annual General Meeting on 28 November, except:
* incumbent officers, re-elected
** have taken office immediately due to the post being vacant