ND Labour’s Executive Committee is proposing a series of constitutional amendments to the 2020 Annual General Meeting. We believe that these changes are necessary, some for clarity and some to alter ND Labour’s structure to make it more democratic and effective.
The proposed changes are listed below. The wording in [square brackets] provides a brief explanation for the rule change and does not form part of the rule change itself.
At the AGM, the Executive will propose these rule changes and members will have the opportunity to speak against any of them, to ask questions and to comment before we vote on each.
- Each proposal with a bullet point (like this) is a separate proposal to be voted on separately.
Delete clause (b) [contradicts the rest of the rule]. Renumber subsequent clauses.
In existing (c), replace “the membership at AGMs” with “the AGM” [clarity]
Delete clause (d) [removes the rule that a year’s membership runs from a specified date; reverts to a year’s membership running from the date the member joins]
[to remove repetition, increase clarity and remove the bar on registered supporters attending training events]
Reword rule 4 as follows:
(a) Labour Party members who are neurotypical may become registered supporters on payment of an annual subscription. Such subscription to be at a higher rate than that paid by Neurodivergent Labour members, as determined by the AGM.
(b) Both neurodivergent and neurotypical Registered Supporters of the Labour Party may become registered supporters of Neurodivergent Labour on payment of an annual subscription. Such subscription to be at a higher rate than that paid by Neurodivergent Labour members, as determined by the AGM.
Neurodivergent Labour registered supporters may attend Neurodivergent Labour meetings and events (other than the AGM and Executive Committee) and receive mailings, unless decided otherwise by Neurodivergent Labour; but do not have the right to vote, propose motions or amendments, or hold office in Neurodivergent Labour.
(c) Trade unions and socialist societies which are affiliated to the Labour Party, may affiliate to Neurodivergent Labour on payment of an annual subscription, to be determined by the AGM, and which may vary depending on the size of the trade union or trade union branch.
Affiliated Trade Unions and Socialist Societies may send representatives to Neurodivergent Labour meetings and events as observers and receive mailings, unless decided otherwise by Neurodivergent Labour; but do not have the right to vote or propose motions or amendments to motions.
- Proposal A [creation of new posts]:
In clause (a) officers, add “1 x Membership Officer” and “1 x Campaigns Officer”
- Proposal B [clarity]:
In clause (k), delete “Any future named employee of Neurodivergent Labour may, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, have administrative access to the bank account.” [unnecessary]
In clause (p), delete “if appropriate or required” [unnecessary]
In clause (q), delete “in its absolute discretion” [unnecessary]
In clause (q), replace “depute or refer” with “delegate” [clarity]
In clause (s), delete “who shall be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee.” [not appropriate for Patrons to have an Executive role].
Deleted the following clauses of rule 5, and renumber remaining clauses:
Delete clauses (m) and (n) [adequately covered by clause (q)]
Delete clause (r) [unnecessary]
Delete clause (v) [currently irrelevant]
In clause (w), replace “attendance at meetings, as well as the refunding of other agreed expenditure incurred on behalf of the organisation.” With “bona fide Neurodivergent Labour business” [clarity]
- Proposal C:
Replace clause (t) with “Members in a locality, or in a workplace or industry, may form a group in order to pursue the aims of Neurodivergent Labour in their area. Any members wishing to form such a group will notify the Executive, which will oversee and assist with their organisation and development and ensure that they operate democratically and abide by Neurodivergent Labour’s policies and any code of conduct.” [clarity, and creates the facility for workplace/industrial groups as well as local groups]
- Proposal A [clarifies how elections are conducted, scraps system of electing by ballot before the AGM and restores elections taking place at the AGM]
Delete clause (g),(i), (j), (k) (n)
- Proposal B [specifies electoral method]
Add new clause: All elections shall be conducted using the Single Transferable Vote system
Reword clause (a) the Annual General Meeting shall be held in Autumn each year on a date and in a location to be determined by the Executive Committee. The AGM shall vote on any constitutional amendments, receive election results, the accounts and reports from the previous year, debate motions from members and plans for the forthcoming year, and deal with any other items that the Executive puts on the agenda.
In clause (b), delete “(who should usually, but not necessarily, be a member of the Executive Committee)” [unnecessarily restrictive, while also non-committal]
Delete clause 10 (b) and renumber. [unnecessary]