Motion on work


I, Gilaine Young, member number 30, wish to propose the following Motion to Neurodivergent Labour at its Founding AGM:

Signed: Gilaine Young

Date: 16/11/19


I, Janine Booth, member number 12 would like to second Gilaine Young in submitting the above Motion and confirm that I have read this Motion:

Signed: Janine Booth

Date: 16/11/19

ND Labour believes that

  1. neurodivergent people face extensive disadvantage in employment
  2. for some, more severely disabled, neurodivergent people, work is not appropriate
  3. barriers to neurodivergent workers are rooted in: lack of control over working conditions; workplace hierarchies; the profit motive relegating concerns for equality, support and accessibility
  4. some employers proactively recruit neurodivergent workers; while this offers opportunities, we are concerned that it ‘cherry-picks’ more productive ND people above those needing greater support and may be motivated by exploitation
  5. anti-union laws obstruct trade unions from fighting effectively for neurodivergent workers’ rights; specific provisions, eg. postal-only ballots for industrial action, present disabling barriers to some neurodivergent workers

ND Labour supports:

  1. adequate benefits, housing and care for those who cannot work
  2. an end to coercion of people into unsuitable work
  3. a four-day working week
  4. repeal of all anti-union laws
  5. public ownership of industry and services, under workers’ and users’ control
  6. all workers’ struggles for better pay and conditions

ND Labour resolves to:

  1. add these policies to our Manifesto, with an appendix providing more details 
  2. encourage neurodivergent workers to join trade unions
  3. support neurodivergent workers in their efforts to make unions more accessible, democratic and therefore more effective
  4. organise fringe meetings at union events