Motion on Education

1. Proposer

ND Labour membership number: 78

2. Seconder
Janine Booth
ND Labour membership number:  12
I confirm that I have read this Motion: Signed: J Booth Date: 19/11/2019
ND Labour notes:
Education is in crisis, in mainstream schools and in special needs provision.
SEND provision in England has lost £1.2 billion since 2015. Although the number of Educational Healthcare Plans has increased 33%, funding has only increased by 6%.
Acadamisation means that the decision making of schools are increasingly detached from the voices of parents and communities.
Class sizes are increasing across all schools as a result of the funding squeeze, meaning that  specialist support for neurodivegant pupils is limited.
In mainstream, one in three new teachers leaves the job within five years, and staff retention in special schools is likely to be even worse. In special schools, alarm has been raised concerning the overuse of physical restraints against pupils.
ND Labour resolves to campaign for:
1. Directing massive investment to mainstream schools as well as special schools.
2. Halting academisation and bringing schools under local democratic control.
3. A mass recruitment campaign of decently paid school staff, ensuring that all staff are competently trained in neurodiversity & special needs.
4.  Ensuring that children at all stages of education have access to assessment for diagnosis
5.  The minimisation and elimination of restraint techniques in all schools.