I, Janine Booth, member number 12, wish to propose the following constitutional amendment to Neurodivergent Labour at its Founding AGM:
Signed: Janine Booth
Date: 23/11/19
I, Monique Craine, member number 13, would like to second Janine Booth in submitting the above constitutional amendment and confirm that I have read this Motion:
Signed: Monique Craine
Date: 23/11/19
Amendment to ND Labour Constitution: Executive Committee
[The effect of this is to create a new post of Manifesto and Policy Officer; to add this post, and the posts of Trade Union Officer and Training and Education Officer, to the ND Labour Executive; to clarity the two separate Publicity and Communications Officer posts.]
In Rule 5(a), move “1 x Trades Union Officer; 1 x Training & Education Officer” from the final paragraph to the second paragraph.
In the second paragraph, delete “2 x Publicity & Communications Officers (1 of which to be the Website Administrator [Editor]” and insert “1 x Publicity and Communications Officer, 1 x Website Editor”
Add to the second paragraph: “1 x Manifesto and Policy Officer”.
Delete Rule 5(m).