Ammendment to SGM/


I, Janine Booth, member number 12, wish to propose the following constitutional amendment to Neurodivergent Labour at its Founding AGM:

Signed: Janine Booth

Date: 19/11/19


I, Gilaine Young, member number 30, would like to second Janine Booth in submitting the above constitutional amendment and confirm that I have read this Motion:

Signed: Gilaine Young

Date: 16/11/19

Amendment to ND Labour Constitution: Special General Meetings

[The effects of this are, firstly, to combine the proposed ‘SGM’ and ‘EGM’, as there is no need for them to be distinct events; and secondly, to introduce a procedure by which members can call for an SGM, rather than that power residing entirely with the Executive.]

In Rule 10:

Delete clause c)

Amend clause d) to read:

A Special General Meeting may be held called in between Annual General Meetings to discuss an urgent and important specific matter that cannot wait until the next AGM. Only this one item will be discussed at the Special General Meeting. An SGM may be called by decision of the Executive Committee. If twenty full members request an AGM, the Secretary will circulate this request to all members asking whether they support it, and if ten per cent do so, then the Executive Committee will convene the SGM within 28 days of the original request being submitted.